Banahan Almaguer Weatherford, PLLC has provided the content on this website as a general information service only. The content on this website is not legal advice and is presented without any representation or warranty whatsoever, including the accuracy or completeness. The content of this website is for informational purposes only and may not reflect the most current legal developments. The receipt of the content of this website by an individual or entity does not establish an attorney-client relationship between Banahan Martinez Weatherford and said individual or entity. The sending of an email by an individual or entity does not create an attorney-client relationship and will not necessarily be treated as privileged or confidential. This website lists areas in which lawyers of the firm practice but no lawyer makes a claim of “expertise,” “specialization,” or “board certification.” The principal office of the firm is located in Houston, Harris County, Texas and the lawyers responsible for the content of this website are Meg Banahan, Veronica A. Martinez and Alex Weatherford.